drawing cartoon 2 🔥 Download Senju Kawaragi 😱🔥❤️ very best model don't forget to download


Senju Kawaragi

Drawing cartoon 2 🔥Senju Kawaragi


Senju is a young lady of sub optimal tallness with short light pink hair, green eyes, and unmistakable eyelashes, having comparative facial qualities with her more established sibling, Haruchiyo Sanzu. Because of her layered disheveled weave hairdo with uncontrollable waves and obtuse edges, she is regularly confused with a kid. Senju consistently wears the conventional Brahman uniform with its sleeves actually modified to a cherry bloom design rather than the Black Dragon typography. She wears thin pants for lower pieces of clothing and a couple of dark shoes for footwear.

At the point when she isn't watching out for her group obligations, Senju wears an immaculate white mariner top with a red tie and a coordinating with light blue skirt that closures directly over her knee. She now and again ties her hair in a very much kept bun and permits her bangs to openly course down the sides of her face. To finish her school outfit, she wears a couple of school shoes and white mid-calf socks for footwear.


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